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2018-05-05 03:00

AUTONOMY? A professor called for better protection of students and teachers, while the KMT accused the DPP of advocating free speech while intervening in school affairsBy Wu Po-hsuan, Sean Lin and Sherry Hsiao / Staff reporters, with staff writerVerbal clashes erupted on National Taiwan University’s (NTU) campus yesterday between students who support the election of Kuan Chung-ming (管中閔) as university president and those who oppose it.The Ministry of Education on Friday last week rejected Kuan’s election after a series of allegations, ranging from conflicts of interest in the selection process to plagiarism and teaching in China, prevented Kuan from taking office as scheduled on Feb. 1.The Action Alliance for University Autonomy, formed by a number of academics who support Kuan, held a rally on the campus near the landmark Fu Bell (傅鐘). Former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) visited the campus to show their solidarity with faculty members and students supporting Kuan.Ma said that a university should not be polluted by politics, while Hung joined a sit-in.At about 4pm, more than 20 NTU students who oppose Kuan’s election raised banners near the bell that read: “Kuan’s purity cheated the entire country.”As the two sides traded barbs, a Kuan-supporter pulled the shirt collar of an anti-Kuan student, while another person drew on a student’s white shirt using lipstick.At one point, anti-Kuan students were cornered by people supporting the president-elect.Some Kuan supporters were heard shouting: “Students get off the campus,” “Red Guards” and “Japanese lackey (日本走狗).”Campus police intervened, separating the two parties to prevent the conflict from escalating.NTU professor Chen Tung-sheng (陳東升) later yesterday said that if the university wants to ensure school autonomy, the first step would be to protect the personal safety of NTU students and teachers, and their freedom to express different opinions inside the campus.“NTU students were beaten for expressing their opinion inside their own school — this is a very serious matter and the darkest day in NTU’s history,” Chen said.The university’s acting president and administrative units must be held responsible for what happened and the people who used violence should be strongly condemned, he added.Earlier yesterday, KMT lawmakers rallied outside the ministry to protest the ministry’s decision not to confirm Kuan as NTU president.“On the 99th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement (五 四運動), the Democratic Progressive Party [DPP] administration has crossed the red line of democracy and academic freedom,” KMT caucus secretary-general Lee Yen-hsiu (李彥秀) said, referring to an intellectual and reformist movement in China.The DPP has advocated against allowing politics to interfere in school affairs, but the charges it has fabricated against Kuan show that its so-called ideals are just tools for political struggle, Lee said.School autonomy is crucial for young people to cultivate democratic values, and the KMT caucus wants to show its support for student protesters who yesterday took a stand on the issue at the NTU to let the DPP and the ministry know that they must not tread on the nation’s hard-won democracy and freedom, she said.KMT caucus whip Lin Te-fu (林德福) accused President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) and Premier William Lai (賴清德) of being the masterminds behind the ministry’s decision not to confirm Kuan.The caucus did not stage the rally to rescue Kuan, but to call for support for university autonomy and democracy, KMT caucus deputy secretary-general William Tseng (曾銘宗) said.There are 140 NTU faculty members who are also independent board directors, and most of them took up their posts in the private sector before informing the school — like what Kuan did when he accepted the Taiwan Mobile seat, Tseng said.Lai yesterday told legislators that he would “take responsibility” for the ministry’s decision against confirming Kuan.He made the remarks in response to KMT Legislator Alicia Wang’s (王育敏) question on whether the ministry had acted on his or Tsai’s orders, or whether the premier gave the order without first informing the president.Lai said that, as the premier, he is responsible for the appointment of ministers, as well as the decisions they make.Additional reporting by CNA新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES


對於吳茂昆的說法,知名BBS站網友十分不領情,紛紛留言痛罵吳茂昆,有人留言說「很好 快辭啊」、也有網友說「汪汪汪」,更有網友狂酸「蔡想想:有新伙伴~?」,更有網友嘲諷「語畢 哄堂大笑」、「英犬」。


一個戴著手銬的老和尚,日前被2名便衣員警押解著,從浙江台州椒江白雲山上走下來,讓登山的遊客二丈金剛摸不著頭緒,原來這名和尚張某,正是一名潛逃27年的命案逃犯。上觀新聞報導,28年前的一個夏夜,張某正用小推車推著自家的西瓜四處叫賣,因為幫小舅子出頭,在與人起爭執中,用隨身攜帶的水果刀捅進被害者的腹部,造成被害人肝臟破裂大失血而死亡。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 知道闖下大禍的張某,在員警上門調查前就逃之夭夭,這一逃便是27年。期間,還結了第二次婚,賣起了佛教用品,曾經無意中接觸到幾本佛經,讀了之後覺得大有感觸,時間久了,也信起了佛教,「我覺得佛經裡說得真對,人生短短幾十年,一切都是空,真沒什麼意思。」張某表示,從那時起就覺得自己和佛有緣,最後選擇剃度出家,在各地的寺廟裡掛單修行並普度眾生。儘管張某嘴上叨念著「一切是空」,但是違反了法律,就將受到法律的制裁。承辦此案的青浦區檢察院檢察官表示,雖然法律對案件追訴期有規定,但張某在案發後並未投案,而是選擇了逃跑,「按照法律規定,逃跑之後案件便不再有追訴期,不論過多久,他都要受到法律的處罰。」上觀新聞 分享 facebook


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